Transformational Yoga Nov 6am
Lengthen & Strengthen No experience needed! Nutrition & Supplement Info incl Science/Fitness based
Available spots
Service Description
Let yourself thrive this fall with my TRANSFORMATIONAL YOGA Series. CALM Your Mind, Nervous System, & Hormones Strengthen & Lengthen Your Body Here's what you get: • Power Vinyasa Series - Core Strength, Upper Body, Lower Body, Booty Builder • Vinyasa Flow and Detox - Strength, Balance, Flexibility, Detox • Yang Yin - Strength & Functional Flexibility, Mobility Gains, Get out of Pain • Movement Meditation - Calm your mind, nervous system, hormones, blood pressure • Nutrition Guide - yes what and how you eat affect your strength and flexibility • Supplement Guide - BONUS - what's good for your joints is great for your skin! Benefits of TRANSFORMATIONAL YOGA: • Increase Strength, Flexibility & Functional Mobility • Build a Strong Core & Pelvic Floor • Shed Inches • Gain Confidence • Prevent Injuries • Detox - release toxins & allow better lymphatic flow for a healthier you • Decrease Cortisol -reduce belly fat • Calm your nervous system / Decrease anxiousness • Get out of pain • Tighten your body (Mum Tum & Dad Belly included) • HBT Performance Shirt (well earned! ) No experience required. ALL fitness levels welcome! Items required for class: • yoga mat • yoga blocks, (2) • yoga belt, or long fabric belt Class Time: am Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Starting Monday Nov 4th Class Duration: 60 minutes, 4 weeks (*Wednesday 45 minutes) 12 sessions (Stat holiday you will be provided a recording) Class Location: LIVE ON ZOOM. * NO commute or sitter required * NO embarrassing smells (hot yoga), Sounds (gas), or Germs * Stay CONNECTED and part of a like-minded community, our class gets to know one another COST: $149 Class notes: • Complete NEW STUDENT FORM a MUST • Please make sure your camera is ON and placed away from your mat so I can see you. This allows me to provide customized feedback and modifications to improve your practice. • Minimize Distractions- phone Do Not Disturb mode, quiet practice space. • Bring water to hydrate • Join after the start date, no problem! Next month will be prorated. Refund & Other Policies: - Please note there are no refunds. - This is a safe, supportive environment. Inappropriate behaviour / language is Not tolerated. We reserve the right to refuse admittance for any reason. Payment: by Etransfer to healthybytammy@gmail.com OR by CC
Cancellation Policy
All Sales Final - Classes purchased are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason. Start/End Time - Classes are scheduled for 60 minute blocks. If you arrive late or stop/start mid-class, class will still end at the scheduled time. 48 Hour Cancellation / Change Policy - Private Classes can be rescheduled without penalty provided a minimum of 48 hours advanced notice is given. If less than 48 hours, then class will not be refundable or transferred. 24 Hour Absence Policy for Group -Please let us know 24 hours in advance if you cannot make a scheduled group class so we can provide you with a time limited recording of it for you to enjoy.
Contact Details
Mission, British Columbia, Canada